
Recruitment Made Easier

The Triple Play

The Triple Play, services revolutionizing the athletic recruitment process. This powerful trio includes our Custom Digital Athletic Web Page Resume, specialized Email Marketing for Athletic Recruitment, and the comprehensive Athletic Recruitment Software. Together, they provide a seamless, efficient, and impactful way for athletes to showcase their talents, directly connect with college coaches, and manage their recruitment journey. From creating a dynamic online presence with real-time updates to leveraging targeted communication and an extensive database of coaches, The Triple Play Trio empowers athletes to stand out in the competitive world of collegiate sports recruitment.

Custom Digital Athletic Web Page Resume

Email Marketing


Personalized Webpage:

Your athletic achievements, academic records, and personal highlights are displayed on a custom-designed webpage with a unique URL.

Real-Time Updates:

Easily update your profile with new achievements and game tapes, ensuring coaches always have access to your latest accomplishments.

Hassle-Free Sharing:

Eliminate the need for constant emails. Coaches can simply bookmark your page and watch your progress in real-time.

Targeted Email Blasts:

Send personalized email campaigns to a network of college coaches, ensuring your message reaches the right audience.

Customizable Templates:

Create compelling emails that highlight your athletic skills, academic achievements, and personal story, using templates that are easy to customize.

Performance Tracking:

Gain insights into how your emails perform, with analytics that track opens, clicks, and engagement, helping you understand and improve your communication.

Integrated Communication:

Communicate directly with coaches through the software, ensuring efficient and organized interactions.

Digital Resume Builder:

Create and manage a compelling digital athletic resume that showcases your talents, achievements, and updates in real-time.

Email Marketing Integration:

Seamlessly launch targeted email campaigns to coaches, using customizable templates and tracking tools for optimal engagement.


QR Codes For Coaches

Social Media Planner

Highlight Tape Editing and Creation

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